Wednesday, February 12, 2014

COMICS IN THE CAN- Episode IX (She-Hulk #1)

I used to have time to read my comics in a coffee shop. Now I have to read them in the bathroom. Then I write reviews of them. I wash my hands in between.


I have to apologize for no review yesterday. Too much chocolate, too much caffeine meant I wasn’t able to ‘go into the office’. I had a chicken salad sandwich from Wal-Mart for lunch today, so that shouldn’t be a problem anymore

So we’ve got a new #1 for the Jade Giantess and my response is…so what? Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m a fan of the character. I read the whole Dan Slott/ Peter David run and enjoyed it immensely (as evidenced in the below photograph of my shelf- also featuring a bikini Savage She Hulk and helmetless 70’s Tony Stark). My favorite part of this series? Can you guess? If not, you haven’t been regularly reading this column. It was all the super boot knockin’ she got up to. Iron Man, Hercules, Man-Wolf, Starfox, Juggernaut (sort of), etc. It was refreshing & entertaining to see a single superheroine take control of her sexuality and indeed not be ashamed of her sexual desires, but embrace them. See, critics, I can have a mature, coherent thought about comic book sex! It remains to be seen whether this series will also illustrate that part of her life so freely, but they do acknowledge her past relationship with Tony Stark, so that’s a good start.

But this issue…ehh. Meh. 

I mean, it’s a solid comic, a solid story which quickly and concisely establishes Jennifer Walters’ personality & ethics and gives her a strong, clear voice. We see that in her current position at a law firm that she was only hired to bring in high profile superhero cases, which she has not. So she quits before she is fired. On her way out she breaks a conference table in a move that couldn’t be more telegraphed if it was developed by Samuel Morse. Drinking in a bar later she’s drawn into a case against Tony Stark for alleged misappropriation of technology which, after negotiating Stark’s legal hurdles, she eventually wraps up by confronting Tony and getting him to do the right thing. He does and her client pays her a significant fee, enough to put out her own shingle and start her own law office.

I do not like the art on this. Maybe it’s just Pulido but this feels like X-Statix which bugged the crap out of me too. I suppose it’s realistic enough, but I’m just not a fan of that Mike Allred style. It keeps me from getting into the story.

There was just no….oomph. Like nothing about this issue got me excited or looking forward to the next issue. I guess I need a little more sizzle. She Hulk did end up with her clothing in tatters at one point so that was nice. But there were really no stakes here. Even the client who is the widow of a lame super villain and her two annoying kids who you were SUPPOSED to be rooting for, just annoyed me. 

So I’m giving this one two big green thumbs down.

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