Thursday, February 6, 2014

COMICS IN THE CAN- Episode V (Forever Evil #5)

I used to have time to read my comics in a coffee shop. Now I have to read them in the bathroom. Then I write reviews of them. I wash my hands in between.


More like ‘FOREVER TO FINISH’, am I right?!?!?

Sigh. They can’t all be winners.

The same can be said for great big company-wide events. Now, full disclosure, I LOVE event comics. Love them.  The only one in recent memory I didn’t lose my mind and collect all the peripheral titles on was Flashpoint. I have a framed poster of Marvel’s Civil War over my bed. I love them. I’m a sucker. There’s one of me born every minute. Guys like me are the reason they still put them out. Hate me. I’m fine with it. I liked the 'Daredevil' movie.

But this, this ‘Forever Evil’, this is testing my limits. Not that it’s a bad series, don’t get me wrong. I think the beats are strong and the story keeps me interested and they have truly crafted a Multiverse-Spanning Epic. But its also a 7-Month-Spanning Epic. And that’s what’s got me irritated tonight.

That and I think the cat has started pooping in the shower, but I don’t want to pull the curtain back to confirm.

Here’s my problem with how this story is playing out: Yes, I appreciate not having to buy a ton of crossovers that only peripherally have anything to do with the main story *cough*TeenTitans*cough*. Yes, I like that there’s some pretty good connectivity happening over the three Justice League titles to support the main story. But I am a SERIOUS continuity junkie and this crossover is driving me insane.  There’s just too damn much happening in the other titles I read, that I’m trying to keep track of, that I have NO idea where these events happen in relation to what’s going on in Forever Evil. Now we’re into this ‘Gothtopia’ nonsense in the Bat books. What? There’s not even a ‘the events in this issue take place before Forever Evil #1’. Nothing.

And we are reminded in THIS issue of FE that Hal Jordan is still out in space leading the GL Corps. What? You’d think he might want to help save his homeworld throughout all this. I understand he’s got Khunds and Durlans to deal with but this is EARTH. Maybe Power Ring’s ring will find our Hal as a suitable new host. Oh, right, forgot to mention, Power Ring DIES in this issue! Sinestro cuts his damn arm off! So things HAPPEN in these issues. I just need my where and when.

So in a conflict with Luthor’s crew, Deathstroke’s crew is summarily pounded and Lex convinces Slade to switch sides and fight the Syndicate. One dead Copperhead later and Luthor’s got a hell of a team assembled. Batman is summarily outvoted for being in charge, much to his chagrin (which is entertaining as hell). Meantime, when Power Ring’s ring set off for a replacement it sent out some sort of energy pulse that was ‘sensed throughout the multiverse’ and now there’s a big energy wave or something hanging out over coastal Maine that the Syndicate is all worried about. Supposedly this is the being that destroyed their world. I don’t know what it is. I just hope it wraps up the storyline soon and all the individual titles dovetail back into the Post-Forever Evil New Status Quo, which will most likely be similar to the Pre-Forever Evil Old Status Quo, and my life can begin to make sense again.

Also: Shower is clear. Nothing to see here.

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