Thursday, February 13, 2014

COMICS IN THE CAN- Episode X (Varney The Vampire #1)

I used to have time to read my comics in a coffee shop. Now I have to read them in the bathroom. Then I write reviews of them. I wash my hands in between.


I have now read the greatest line in a comic book TO DATE. Forget your ‘Face it Tiger You Just Hit The Jackpot’ and your ‘With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility’.  Hack, lazy writing. But I’ll get back to that.

When I was handed a super secret, advance digital copy of the first comic to come out from Mark Waid’s Thrillbent label I had to look twice. Jim Varney, The Vampire? Ernest P. Worrell as an undead bloodsucker?? TAKE MY MONEY!

Then I looked again and realized that wasn’t the case. But still. Jim Varney The Vampire. That is GOLD. Copyright Chad Wise 2014.

As anyone who read my first review could tell, I have a thing for horror/ comedy books. I love Hack/Slash…love Hellboy…and that’s where the well mostly runs dry. I don’t read The Goon, but mostly because he’s drawn to look like my Uncle Bud (on accident I’m sure) and I can’t get past that BUT THE POINT IS: There are scant few horror/ comedy books on the stands these days. And varney the Vampire is a WELCOME addition.

What you have here is THE O.G. Vampire (do the kids still say that? O.G.?) , the guy that Bram Stoker supposedly co-opted for Dracula who is somehow still undead and kicking in present day. What you ALSO have here is the vampire’s modern day descendent who happens to be a Hollywood screenwriter of less than dubious credit (Zombie Cheerleaders 1-3). The vampire lures Simon (Gruber is his last name and isn’t that Jeremy Irons’ character from Die Hard With A Vengeance?) to his ancestral mansion under the ruse of an inheritance when in actuality he wants to team up to get the REAL story out to the world and reclaim the vampire’s legacy.

Now, what’s unique about this is the vampire himself. This is not a sparkly teen heartthrob vampire with the cheekbones of Keira Knightley. This is not the proper vampires of Anne Rice. This isn’t even the badass vampires of Blade or From Dusk Til Dawn. No, imagine Danny DeVito at his crustiest, vilest, grizzledest and simultaneously sharp-wittedest. Now bump him up to about 70 years old (when he became a vampire) and since he didn’t have teeth when he turned, he has to use fake fangs and you’ve got the title character.

Just a sleazy old man who happens to be the original vampire. And his loser Great(?) Great(?) Nephew with a goal to achieve that will no doubt involve lots of sexual innuendo (high five to the writer for getting a Kirk Cameron reference on the same page as the words ‘Christian Nymphomaniac’), comedy enough for the masses and the small portion of the masses that think they need highbrow humor in their horror/ comedy books.

This is EASILY one of the most unique concepts I’ve read or heard of. I enjoyed it immensely and will definitely buy the printed issue when it comes out. I think you’ll dig it as well. There’s a kickstarter to get the project made and G-Mart is hosting a launch party for it THIS SATURDAY the 15th.  Then they are releasing the issue online as well (I believe). Find a way to check it out. 

And that greatest line? Simon’s vampire patriarch, as he’s trying to convince Simon to work with him by pointing out their similarities:

“We’re two nuts in a sac---Destiny demands a Tea Bag!”


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