Wednesday, March 26, 2014


I used to have time to read my comics in a coffee shop. Now I have to read them in the bathroom. Then I write reviews of them. I wash my hands in between.

SEX #12

Hey, hey, it’s NEW COMIC DAY!

I hereby apologize to the review copy of Silver Surfer #1 that was on top of my pile this week. If there’s a book that has ‘sex’ in the title, it’s going to get reviewed first. There’s no arguing that. Maybe next time you’ll think that through, Marvel Comics, before you put out *snicker* a number one issue the same week as a sex comic. Or you’ll call it ‘Silver Sex Surfer’ or ‘Silver Sexer’. Something. Think it through.

I will tell you this, though, I haven’t even cracked the cover on that Silver Surfer comic and I can guarantee there’s at least one thing happening in Sex #12 that doesn’t happen in SS #1. Or, quite possibly, any comics out this week by a major publisher.  

Sodomy. It’s what sets Image apart this week. There’s probably a new company slogan in there somewhere, but I’ll be damned if I’m gonna go spelunking for it. So to speak. 

I thought I had reviewed issue 11 of this book. But apparently I did not. I think I was going to, but maybe I couldn’t find a way in *snicker* to a frank and informed discussion on sodomy. Because it actually started last issue. Oh yes, dear reader, this isn’t some quick, wham, bam, thank you sir, sodomy happening in this comic book. No way. You deserve better. With this book you get a guy in a bondage outfit drilling down on this book’s Joker/ Riddler-type character for the better part of two issues.

For those of you not clued into the lingo of comics, I thought I’d reprint a satisfactory definition here. But:

Sodomy: The study of grass-tufted squares of earth, usually placed on a horizontal plane in order to create a lawn, ballfield, or park.

Doesn’t seem to cover what’s going on in this issue. Since this is essentially a family friendly website (or so I’m told. Repeatedly) I’ll let you, dear reader plunge deep into the internet and find your own definition.

Now, sodomy isn’t the only thing on the menu in this issue. Not by a longshot. Simon is more angsty and questioning of his own motives. Keenan, who’s up to something, has used his fighting skills (taught to him by Simon) to impress his way into some street gang of ninjas or something. Keenan does, in fact, give it to his girlfriend pretty thoroughly when he gets home from the throw down. Dude must have some serious stamina to pull that off.  The thinly veiled Catwoman character is missing one of her call girls (the one who puked on her client two issues ago) so she goes to her place to see what’s the haps. Coincidentally, the man mountain named ‘Skyscraper’ that Keenan took out to make his bones with the Ninja thugs is waiting at that girl’s house! Maybe we’ll see Catwoman (not Catwoman) throw down herself next issue. 

I’m still enjoying this book ok, but I feel like some of the shine is wearing off. I’m in need of more flashbacks to Simon’s actual crimefighting days and maybe more steamy bedroom business and less stuffy boardroom business. It’s almost getting TOO noir for my taste. And that’s saying something. Let’s see how year two starts out. Meet you back here in a month.

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