Friday, April 4, 2014

COMICS IN THE CAN- Episode XXXXIII (New Avengers #16)

I used to have time to read my comics in a coffee shop. Now I have to read them in the bathroom. Then I write reviews of them. I wash my hands in between.


Come ON, Marvel! What are you doing to me here?? Another alternate universe, thinly veiled Justice League amalgam? Mr. Fantastic builds a machine that can look into any number of potential universes and outcomes, and you immediately go down the Squadron Supreme road? And not even well! This is a cheap shot wrapped around a need to spotlight a magic user with a helmet. You can do better, Marvel and Jonathan Hickman, specifically. I know you can. I mean, you didn't even change the name of Doctor Spectrum. Lazy!

We do start out with some fun banter between T'Challa and Namor in a framing sequence that sets up this world with a weak sauce impersonation of a Justice League. Reed Richards' machine is up and running and Black Panther is on monitor duty. Namor drops by and their lingering distaste for each other is palpable. The Panther has discovered a world that has survived two incursions by this universe destroying phenomenon in new and different ways. T'Challa shows a world where the Marvel heroes we know we're killed off during their version of the Secret Invasion and this faux Justice League rose in it's place. Since then they’ve become a real team of heroes, regarded highly by the world and loved by them as well. They seem like good people. They have worries and concerns, they regret their destructive actions, they strive to be the heroes the Earth deserves. Then come the incursions. They have battled back several of them, but each time they are concerned with what they will have to do, what they will have to become, in order to repel the next one. The Superman representation says that he respects that all things must die, but he refuses to accept the unnatural acceleration of it.

Wait a tick.

Didn’t Reed Richards say pretty much that exact same thing? I KNOW he did because it’s on the recap page every issue! And it is a known fact that I LOVE the recap page. So things change, things stay the same. Their Doctor Fate (called The Norn, ANOTHER shout out- to the stones of our Marvel U) has to split himself into three duplicates, then he puts on the helmet of one of these Black Priest guys who seem somehow to be at the center of all this mess. He then has enough power, and can say the magic words he need to destroy the incurring world. How that reconciles with their above concerns I don’t have a clue.

So they do it. World blows up. Their world is saved. Life goes on. Namor, characteristically flip, ends the book with ‘Well. That is something different.’ I can only assume this means they will bring in Doctor Strange to try to recreate what’s going on with this Justice League and apply it to our world. But really, that’s all for this book. Not much really happens. We’re on our world for maybe 5 pages, then the rest is us being force fed the ‘look how clever we are!’ Batman is dressed like a knight! The Superman (Sun God because, you know, Kryptonians get their power from the sun) calls him ‘Wayne’! Every time I hit an issue like this I have to stop and hope it means something more to the overall story. I am, more and more, leaning towards just getting the trade paperbacks of my titles. Then, I wouldn’t be sitting on the can shouting ‘That’s it? That’s all there is? Come on, you can do better than that’ and making my roommates wonder about my self-motivation techniques.

OH, ALSO! It’s got a big #1 on the cover! No, I didn’t miss the bowl, I mean a REAL #1, and a #16. For no apparent reason!! This is the middle of a storyline, there;s no associated ‘sub story title’ that usually accompanies this phenomenon. Nothing. No reason for it. So maybe Marvel is just slapping a big #1 on all their books now, regardless. Wouldn’t surprise me. Buyer beware!!!

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